WORKSHOP: Accessing Choice when you feel Stuck!

  • 11 Aug 2021
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • Zoom


Registration is closed
  • Exploring the power and opportunity of your choices, and the ability to choose to choose

  • Tools for Assessing where the “stuckness” comes from, and moving through it

  • Building greater autonomy among your team by defining and clarifying the choices they make and can make

We all get stuck in ruts. Ruts of our own creation and though process, from a lack of motivation, or perception and reality of external barriers, systems or constraints. We all make choices every single day, but many of them are automatic: patterned by unconscious habits, learned behavior or dull routines, or lacking in awareness and vitality. The power to make choices is something we often forget when we’re super busy or dealing with stressful situations. Sometimes it can feel like all of our choices are limited, or that we don’t have the ability to choose our responses or courses of action. We actually, almost always have more choices available to us than we realize, but we have to build awareness of our blind spots, learn to listen to our intuition and learn to lean into the choices we have, or create space for more choices to become clear.